Friday, March 18, 2011

Who says you're the only one thats hurting?

With this recent crisis in Japan (that I really am following, closely) I've kind of started to think of the big picture. I'm already annoyed with high school drama. After this school year, will it matter who's dating who? Will it matter that so and so talked behind your back? Will that Facebook argument really make a difference in the grand scheme of your life? I really feel like we all focus too much on ourselves. Even me. We worry about the silliest stuff that in the grand scheme of things really will not affect us in 2 years, 5 years, or 15 years. These problems are all so tiny. Not many of us have to worry about whether we get fed or get clean water to drink. Not that many of us worry about having a place to sleep or being warm at night. I think we should help people. People who do have to think about these things on a daily basis. If I had the option, I would travel to places that needed help. Japan or Africa. I want to build houses, prepare food for people in shelters, and maybe even teach children. I really really want to make a difference in this world; make an impact.

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