Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Future Possibilities

I am such a girl. Lately, all I think about is the future and getting the heck out of Missouri.

Truthfully, Missouri isn't a horrible place to be raised. I've always felt safe and content. The problem with safe and content is that its boring. I'm not asking for danger, but for something to DO. There's nothing here that you haven't already done 1000x. Bowling? Done. Teen dances? Done. Community center pool? Done. Movies? I've seen so many, and its a waste of money to go every weekend. Not to mention, the weather here is horrendous. Yesterday it was snowing and icing, today it was 60 and sunny. Whaaa? I need consistency and sun and storms all year around. And where is that, you ask? Beautiful and sunny Florida! I've dreamed of living there my entire life. We've visited a decent portion of my 16 total summers to see my grandma, and I'm in love with it. Its fantastic. It storms most days, just little storms that pass quickly. But all the same. Storms are storms, and storms are beautiful. Its warm, even during the winter. No winter is something I definitely would love!

All I can daydream lately is moving to Florida, buying a little pink house, and forgetting this boring state where I can't seem to fit in or do a single thing right. I want to buy this house to be by myself and paint, read, and work as a vet. All things I enjoy. I'll have as many animals as I can handle. Turtles, exotic lizards, and exactly two dogs. A Yorkie named Bear (ironic, huh?!) and a Border Collie named Sadie. I'm *slightly* allergic to cats, and I hate birds. So..they're kind of out. I'll have orange trees in my backyard and a screened in porch so I can read outside while it rains. A pool would also be appreciated, but not required. I know that if I set my mind to it, my dreams can come true. I want so badly to be in Florida, every day. If I work and work at it, I'll get there eventually. And I promise, I'll never be happier. <3

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