Thursday, October 6, 2011

Turning Tables

"I can't keep up with your turning tables; under your thumb I can't breathe. So I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no. I won't ask you, you to just desert me. I can't give you what you think you gave me. It's time to say goodbye to turning tables." - Adele

I literally hate high school. I hate being constantly watched in my classes. I hate having to be up so early. I hate the rules; I'm ready to be free. I hate the social pressures. But the number one thing I can't stand? I hate the gossip and rumors and all of the people talking about you behind your back. I despise it. We're all guilty, but because of my own insecurity, it drives me especially crazy. However, I have had enough. I'm tired of people assuming they know me, that they know where I come from, and assuming they know what's going on in my head and in my life. This is my story. MY story; MY life. Do you understand me, right now? MY story. And I'm choosing to tell it. How I want to tell it; in this blog. I've always said I can write better than I can talk. So I'll write it out. I'll tell the truth; 100% of the time. I promise you that. I swear to you, everything I ever say will be the truth. No matter how it makes me look or how it makes anyone else look. I'm past the point of caring. I just want people to know, once and for all, what really happened. People will always talk. I figure I might as well let them keep talking but at the same time, let them talk about the truth. I don't care about the backlash of this, to be honest. I just don't anymore.

So, moral of the story; MY story. Each week, I'm going to try and blog. I'm not sure how I'll organize it yet. Either I'll keep writing letters and just progress through my story with each person or I'll do one story a week. But, oh, it's happening. It's time my story gets told. And I sure hope you read it, and understand it, and learn something you didn't know before. But, most of all, I hope you can relate. See you soon.

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