Sunday, September 18, 2011


"Do you feel cold and lost with desperation? You build up hope but failure is all you know. Remember all the sadness and frustration, and let it go. Let it go." -Linkin Park

I looked up the definition of "iridescent" just out of curiosity today. According to Google, "iridescent" means this: "Showing luminous colors that seem to change when seen from different angles." I couldn't think of anything better to start this post off with than that. I'm thinking that everyone is iridescent in their own way. In my mind, we all emit a light about us. Its the same light that you see when you first meet someone or when you see someone for what they truly are. But there's a catch. Different people see different colors. It's their opinion of the other person; the color they see. In this blog, not just this post either, you hear about the colors I see in people. Its my side of the story, essentially. And lately, more than ever, I want people to hear my side of the story and see the lights and colors and emotions that I see, every day.

Individual #1, You are a beautiful person. Inside and out. You have such talent and such a great outlook on life. You are going places, I just know it.

Individual #2, Always up and down; you and I. I feel another down coming soon, too.

Individual #3, You always told me you liked the way I set up this blog. Did you ever imagine I would be writing these things about you? I guess so. You knew it was coming; I liked to pretend it wasn't. I forgive you, you know. For knowing I was drowning and not doing anything to save me. That's always what bothered me the most. I'm pretty close to being past the angry/sad part of things. Now its just weird. Like I said, I liked to pretend this would never happen. I'm thankful for the time we both had, though. And I'm glad we were both big enough to let the other person be happy.

Individual #4, People don't give you enough credit for how smart you are about other people. Everyone kind of bullies you from time to time, and I'm guilty of it too. Its about time I made a conscious effort to stop. You are smart, and you are kind. You've helped me a lot too. I owe you for that.

Individual #5, I hate to be mean to you about these things. Really, I do. You are one of the best friends I've ever had. But I can't be what you want me to be right now. I'm sorry.

"Let your light shine through."

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