Tuesday, May 10, 2011


"Tell me what you want to hear, something that were like those years. I'm sick of the insincere, so I'm gonna give all my secrets away. This time, don't need another perfect line. Don't care if critics ever jump in line, I'm gonna give all my secrets away." -OneRepublic

True life: I am an embarrassing person. I really am. I'm kind of a closet nerd, except not really in the closet. So basically just a nerd! And I have secrets. Little ones, not really any big ones. I'm pretty sure that anyone reading this will read my secrets and realize that yes, I am a nerd. Which is why I started you all out with the true fact that I am a nerd. Just so you knew what you are going into. I'm not sure why I decided to write all these out. This is really just me. Take it or leave it. So true to the song, I don't care if I'm laughed at for any of these and I don't care if I'm laughed at for having this blog. Period. Critics can jump in line. But for those of you that are just curious, these are my secrets; silly as they are.

Secret #1: I know two Hannah Montana dances. I actually like dancing in general. I'm not entirely sure if I have any actual potential with it, though. But anyways, since I was still into Disney back in like 9th-ish grade, I knew most Hannah Montana songs. I even went and saw the Hannah Montana movie. Haters can hate, I thought it was cute. I was, for the longest time, obsessed with learning the Hoedown Throw-down though. I searched for a how-to video on Youtube and actually found one done by Miley Cyrus herself. Sooo, I learned the dance. And I still know it. Then I learned most of the dance to Ice Cream Freeze around a year ago. I am not ashamed. I really just chalk it up to the fact that I do enjoy dancing, and I found a song with an easy dance.

Secret #2: I hardcore hold concerts in my car, every. single. time. I'm behind the wheel. I can't drive decently without belting whatever songs I feel like singing. I really can't sing, at all! In fact, I'm terrible at it. But it's nice to pretend! And my driving has definitely improved because of it. So, next time you see me driving anywhere, look at me. Odds are, I'm singing. Or your can hear my music in your own car. It's usually blasting so I can't hear myself. :)

Secret #3: I'm obsessed with and fully believe horoscopes and fortune cookies. I keep every single fortune cookie slip I ever get from Panda Express. True life: One of them said "Buy the red car." Yeah, my car is def red and I def picked it out based on that slip. And because my mom didn't want a blue car. But deep down? Its all because of the fortune cookie! And now, my Mazda 3 (affectionately named Sally) is the perfect car for me. I also own a book called the Encyclopedia of Birthdays and its completely accurate. It predicts people 100% correctly all based on their birthday. I believe all that stuff! Aaaaand, I do have a lucky number. Two, actually. 13 and 23. 23 is my anniversary date every month and ever since it became that, it pops up everywhere. Plus, it makes sense because my dad's lucky number is 22 and I'm identical to him. So 23 it is! I also picked 13 because I firmly believe that if you keep the bad luck with you, it won't be as "bad."

Secret #4: I am also obsessed with Full House, the tv show from the 80's and 90's. I own all 8 seasons and will watch them religiously. I can name every episode by name. I can turn on the tv when Full House is playing and most likely tell you "Oh, that's 'The Miracle of Thanksgiving' and its from season one." And I'm 95% sure that the reason I want a big family is because of Full House. Like, I get it's fake. Its a scripted sit-com. But I still like the idea of parents being close to the kids and always helping out your family. Again, this is just me.

Secret #5: I have a terrible time with getting rid of grudges. Like I forgive, but I never forget. And I let the emotions of that one particularly haunting moment dictate my thoughts toward that person for a long time. I wish I could change it! But I can never seem to overcome it.

Secret #6: I have this "eating disorder" where I literally go around the foods on my plate and eat them one at a time. And the weirdest part is probably the fact that I eat the "main course" last. Perfect example: Lets say you have a cheese-burger, tater tots and pickles on a plate. Any normal person will eat them in any random order. I eat the alllllll the pickles first, then I eat alllllllll the tater tots, then I eat MOST of the cheese-burger. I say "most" because I ate everything else first, right? So I'm usually not near as hungry when it comes to the main food. I didn't realize I even did it until my dad pointed it out a while ago. Actually, I'm pretty sure I've been doing it since I was old enough to eat lunches at school..and never stopped!

Well, these are my secrets. Again, I don't really know why I felt the urge to write these down. It was honestly kind of a waste of my time and probably a waste of yours to read them all! But I felt like, I don't know. I just wanted to share! These are the things that make me, me. And I'll never be ashamed of them. I am silly, and I am a dork, and I am me.

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