Friday, July 22, 2011

The Climb

"There's always gonna be another mountain, I'm always gonna want to make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle, sometimes I'm gonna have to lose. Ain't about how fast I get there. Ain't about what's waiting on the other side; its the climb. Keep on moving, keep on climbing. Keep the faith." -Miley Cyrus

I will always find this song inspirational at different times in my life. I am 17 and I'm inspired by a Miley Cyrus song. I think that's okay. Not necessarily common, but okay. I appreciate this song because its true. Life is a climb. Certain parts of it are going to suck and you're going to wish you could fast-forward to better days. Reality is, though, that you can't. And getting where you want to be in life takes time. Its "the climb" to what you want and desire that makes you who you are and who you're destined to be. Whether you're a country girl trying to be a pop-star named Hannah Montana or a girl from a small town in Missouri trying to get into college and become a vet; this is true. I think that there are people along the way that shape you, too. Whether your experience with them is good or bad; they affect who you are and who you're going to be in some way. You don't have to like them or the experiences that you've been through with them, but you do have to accept it. People will always be there. These letters are to people that have been involved with my life in one way or another and how they've changed it. This climb up until now, wouldn't be as enjoyable and as much of a learning experience without them.

Person #1; You've shown me what a true friend looks like.

Person #2; I think, above all else, you've shown me that you truly can overcome anything and emerge stronger than before.

Person #3; You taught me how to deal with others. Of all things, you've helped me become better at dealing with the world around me and care for another person.

Person #4; You've shown me that what you tell one person will always be repeated; so you must be careful of  what you say.

Person #5; You have always been there for me. I think you've shown me that when you think you have no one there is always someone. Also, you've shown me that sometimes you've got to call "timeout" and give people time to move on.

Person #6; You've taught me, unintentionally, that I am strong. And I can do things right and I can stand up for myself without using words.

Person #7; You taught me not to hold on too tight; people change.

Person #8; You've taught me everything I ever need to know about succeeding in my life.

Person #9; You've beyond shown me that not everyone is all bad. There's good in everyone.

As much as I've despised or loved these people in my life time, I would never regret meeting any of them. They're all contributors to who I'm becoming and who I will be in the distant future. They've been apart of stories I'll tell my own kids and lessons I'll teach them. But until then, its all about the climb.

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